Cosmetic Surgery Recovery Massage

Have you recently had cosmetic surgery such as liposuction, Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), tummy tuck or facelift? Are you struggling with pain, bruising, swelling, hardening or lumps and bumps? Like many other patients you might not have realized how challenging the post-op recovery period can be and the importance of post-op care to your healing and end result.

Benefits of Post-op Recovery Massage

  • Reduces bruising and pain
  • Reduces swelling
  • Smooths out lumps and bumps
  • Reduces fibrosis
  • Speeds up healing
  • Decreases risk of complications such as seroma
  • Increases range of motion

Cosmetic surgery recovery massage involves different techniques performed in different phases of healing. Some of these techniques include lymphatic drainage, myofascial release, scar tissue therapy, IASTM and body contouring. It is important that your massage therapist knows at which stage of healing to apply these techniques in order to ensure safety and best results, so finding a knowledgeable therapist is key!

Are you looking for post cosmetic surgery massage and lymphatic drainage in Vancouver? I have worked with cosmetic surgery patients for many years, and have focused my massage therapy practice on helping many patients recover from surgeries such as liposuction, Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBL), tummy tucks and more!

If you are looking for a Vancouver massage therapist to help you recover from your liposuction, BBL or other procedure please make sure that your therapist has experience and training in working specifically with cosmetic surgery patients. Lymphatic drainage training is helpful, however this training usually doesn’t cover the specifics of working with liposuction, BBL or other cosmetic procedures, and I have treated many patients that have either gotten limited or poor results or incorrect information from inexperienced therapists.

I have completed training in both lymphatic drainage and cosmetic surgery massage techniques in order to be able to provide safe and effective treatments for my patients. Some of my training includes Vodder Manual Lymph Drainage, training in Brazilian lymphatic massage (the Joana Medrado Method), including the Joana Medrado method for post cosmetic surgery, Kinesio taping for edema, certification in plastic surgery and fibrosis recovery massage, training in compression for liposuction and body contouring certification.

I have experience providing the following treatments:

  • Post- op recovery massage and lymphatic drainage for liposuction
  • Post- op recovery massage and lymphatic drainage for Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)
  • Post- op recovery massage and lymphatic drainage for tummy tuck
  • Post- op recovery massage and lymphatic drainage for facelift
  • Post- op recovery massage for liposuction fibrosis

If you have had cosmetic surgery such as liposuction, Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL), tummy tuck or facelift and are looking for lymphatic and post-op massage in Vancouver I look forward to working you in my South Granville massage practice!